The Yoga Sutra’s is a book that is in the public domain.
This is the original version of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is in the public domain, which is on the following pages.
The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali is a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on the theory and practice of yoga. There are 196 Yoga Sutras. The word sutra means “stitch” or “thread” in Sanskrit. Much like a stitch or a thread in a piece of clothing, once you pull on it, there is an unraveling and revealing that takes place.
Back in the day, teachings like those found in the Yoga Sutras were not written. They were passed orally from teacher to student; therefore, it was important for the teaching to be precise, concise, deliberate and memorable.
Like other sacred texts, the Yoga Sutras are one document divided into shorter books, or pada in Sanskrit.
The Sutras are divided into 4 chapters (or 4 books). They are - Samadhi Pada (Book of Contemplation), Sadhana Pada (Book of Practice), Vibhuti Pada (Book of Accomplishments), and Kaivalya Pada (Book of Absoluteness). Patanjali begins the Yoga Sutras by defining yoga (1.1) and then the goal of Yoga (1.2).
Each Yoga Sutra on subsequent pages is accompanied with interpretations by well-known yogi’s and leaving space available for you to - mentate, meditate, contemplate, imagine, reflect, ponder, wonder and sit with your own interpretation.
[HA]: Hariharananda Aranya
[SP]: Swami Prabhavananda
[SS]: Swami Satchidananda
[SV]: Swami Vivekananda
[YOU]: Your Interpretation