
PRONOUNCED: sa-has-rar-ah . . chak-ra. . . audible pronounciation below

COLOR: Violet - associated with indigo & white

LOCATED: Top of the head

BIJA (SEED) MANTRA: Om . . . pronounced (Aum) . . audible chant below

SIGNIFIES: Ketheric layer, associated with the Divine or Universal Consciousness

MUDRA (HAND GESTURE, SYMBOL, LOCK): Sakti Mudra, demonstrating sahasrara, which means 'thousand' as in the 'thousand petaled lotus', as each petal has the vibration of the 50 syllables

MUDRA FORMATION: Bring your palms and fingers together. Cross all off your fingers ‘except’ the ring fingers. The right thumb covers the left thumb, and the left little finger covers the right little finger. Ring fingers remain straight. Rest hands on crown.

ASANA (YOGA POSE): Easy Pose (Sukhasana), Vriksasana (Tree Pose), Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani), Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana)

PURPOSE: This is our "God Source." How we receive communication from God into our physical body. This is our spiritual connection; living in the present. Also represents intuition and knowingness. Integrating all of life into our own lives. This is where we get our ability to serve others, humanitarianism.

The 7th chakra is used a tool to communicate with our spirit. This chakra represents the vortex through which the life force travels from the God Source and dispersed into the lower 6 chakras. It is often pictured as a lotus flower opening up to our enlightenment.

ORGANS: Cerebral cortex (the outer part of the brain), central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord), pineal gland, muscular and skeletal system, skin.

RELATES TO: Depression, muscular system and skeletal system conditions. Skin disorders, exhaustion and fatigue; photophobia (sensitivity to light) and sensitivity to sound and over-sensitivity to the environment. Lack of purpose, loss of identity, and inability to trust. There may also be a lack of inspiration, depression and lack of service to others. There is a selflessness and confusion about the individual.

Extending the axial skeleton (body) from the crown to the feet.

Extending the axial skeleton (body) from the crown to the feet.

Extending the axial skeleton (body) from the seat to the crown and from the feet to the crown.

Extending the axial skeleton (body) from the seat to the crown and from the feet to the crown.
