
PRONOUNCED: An-ah-ha-tah. . chak-ra. . . audible pronounciation below

COLOR: Green

LOCATED: Center of the chest

SIGNIFIES: Air element and the Astral layer

BIJA (SEED) MANTRA: Yum . . . pronounced (Yam) . . audible chant below

MUDRA (HAND GESTURE, SYMBOL, LOCK): Purna Jnana Mudra, meaning complete wisdom, which is pure and true Love

MUDRA FORMATION: On both hands, the mounds of the thumb and index finger touch. Place your left hand on your left knee with your left three fingers splaying out as if they were ‘radiating’. The left palm would be cupping the left knee. Place your right hand on your heart space toward the lower end of your sternum (breast bone) with your right three fingers splaying out as if they were ‘radiating’. The right palm would be cupping the chest.

ASANA (YOGA POSE): Floor Bow Pose (Dhanurasana), Backbend aka Wheel Pose aka Upward Facing Bow (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Standing Bow Pose (Dandayamana Dhanurasana), Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

PURPOSE: This is our love center. With focus, love brings about healing. Any type of painful situation that affects our emotional heart such as death of a loved one, emotional abuse, the ending of a relationship, adultery, or abandonment can affect our ability to feel love and show up in the heart chakra. The 4th Chakra is an empowering chakra is self-love. This is where the "wounded child" lives. Personal and emotional empowerment. Forgiveness and understanding. Confidence. Compassion, trust, unconditional love. Heart centered love. Letting go of old hurt and pain. Walking with an open heart. Acceptance with openess.

ORGANS: Heart, breasts, lungs, upper back, shoulders

RELATES TO: Heart problems, breasts conditions, lung and respiratory difficulties, shoulder injuries, still back, rib cage, diaphragm, thymus, esophagus, arms, hands, circulatory system. Controlling the hearts of others. Despair, fear, jealousy, anger, hate. Repressing feelings of love.
