Pronounced Sha-la-bah-sah-nah.

Salabha translates to locust, so this word means Locust Pose. This small backbend builds strength in the back and preps students for deeper backbends. Lie on your belly with forehead to the mat and arms next to your torso, palms up. Firm your buttocks and on an exhale, lift your head, torso, arms and legs away from the floor. Reach out from the top of your head to the tips of your toes and stretch your fingertips actively back.

Salabhasana - Locust Pose


Pronounced Sah-lahm-bah.

This word, meaning “to support,” refers to any asana using arms, hands or another prop to support the body. Salamba can refer to balancing support, or support provided to avoid straining the body.

Salamba - To support or to prop


Pronounced Sah-lahm-bah / Shear-shah-sah-nah.

More commonly known as Supported Headstand, this pose should be guided by an experienced instructor. With your forearms on the floor and fingers laced behind your head, you’ll complete a headstand with your arms supporting your neck and providing balance.

Salamba_Sirshasana - Supported Headstand


Pronounced Shuh-vah-sah-nah.

Savasana, or corpse pose, is the final posture in most classes. This resting pose provides space for the mind and body to relax and integrate the efforts of practice. This posture is seemingly simple but can be difficult for many as it requires complete stillness, in both body and mind.

Savasana - Corpse Pose or Dead Yogi Pose


Pronounced Set-too / Bahn-dah-ah-sah-nah.

Also called Bridge Pose, Setu means bridge and bandha means lock. In this pose, you create a bridge shape, starting with your back flat on your mat, arms at your sides with feet on the floor close to your sitting bones. Press through your feet and lift your hips toward the ceiling, keeping knees over your heels and your core and buttocks engaged. Clasp hands beneath your pelvis and extend your arms toward your feet so you’re on the tops of your shoulders.

Setu_Bandhasana - Bridge Pose


Pronounced Shahn-tee.

Another common mantra chanted at the beginning or end of yoga class, Shanti translates to “peace” in Sanskrit.

Shanti - Peace


Pronounced Soup-tah.

Poses that involve reclining begin with this word, which translates as “to recline.”