A ‘Half Sun Salutation’ is just as the name implies, which is half of the full sequence of ‘Sun Salutation A’ that is all done at the front of your mat before you step back or jump back. It is most often used as a preparatory sequence to begin warming the body and composing the mind for the longer Sun Salutation A sequence. It is a perfect way to get your groovy going for your home practice session. This is a perfect Light and easy flow that will root and stretch your entire back body and front body, and will give you that release of energy and burst of energy that you may be looking for at the start of the time.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Upward Salute (Urdva Hastasana)
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Flat Back (Ardha Uttanasana)
Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
Upward Salute (Urdva Hastasana)
Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
This is also a perfect little flow that you can do first thing on rising or just after your morning habitual-ritual in the bathroom. Click the ‘Half Sun A’ pic below to be guided through this friendly little flow.
**Click the pic below for the video